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Salt Kisses from the Ocean

Salt Kisses from the Ocean

The aqua green and aqua blue dress he wears, ever moving

his powerful wind rushing at me, subduing me,

Sand sinking beneath each footstep over and over again,

as I reclaim my communion with the beach, with the sea


Some speak of their lovers, men or women of this world

pining for their lover’s embrace, their kiss

Forlorn and listless when stolen away by separation

days pass unnoticed, awaiting their lover’s return


How odd am I, that the ocean is my lover, the one I return to again and again

unable to live without his forceful winds, his beauty beyond compare

without whom I bear a stinging emptiness

Awaiting the time his swirling waters will again embrace me,

and his salty spray will laughingly kiss me all over


Was I a mermaid or merman in some other life? And now,

unable to leave that life behind, I am only satiated

when living on his shores?


Running on the beach, I leave family and friends thousands of miles behind

While my eyes endeavor to drink in his beauty, exploring every wave and rock

I run

I run to fill my yearning to be with all of him at once


All my life he’s been here for me, the most consistent lover I could ask for

He gives without asking anything in return

I am home with him, satisfied in the depth of my being

How odd am I, that he is the lover I always seek, and with him,

I know happiness and peace beyond compare



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